Sunday, 29 December 2019

How to Improve the Ergonomics of Your Workstations

Ergonomics plays a key role for the workers in your lab. It allows them to be more efficient, which means that your lab design, including lab furniture, must be conscious of how your workers do their jobs.

What is Ergonomics?

The goal of ergonomics is to promote productivity and efficiency so that the design of the lab, including equipment, work layouts, and even work environments, match the particular jobs of the employees. It also means that differences in tasks and body sizes should be accommodated, so job hassle, soreness, and potential injury are avoided. Consider the average office worker. They sit in their chair for about 8 hours a day, at least, and often with poor posture. These awkward postures may stress joints and reduce blood flow, which, in the long run, can put a damper on the worker’s ability to do their job productively. Other problems that can cause ergonomic injuries are high forces like pushing and pulling carts and lifting boxes. Long durations of awkward postures and forces can further the potential for joint damage. There are also physical stressors that can impact an employees ability to get their job done efficiently, including:
  • Machine vibration
  • Low temperatures
  • Impact stress
  • Gloves that reduce blood flow

Improving the Ergonomics of Workstations 


Poor posture can cause back and neck pain in a lab. Poor posture can lead to strain injuries and musculoskeletal problems. Over time, this can impact an employee’s efficiency. By practicing good posture, employees can prevent injury and put the least strain on their bodies while sitting or standing at their workstations. When it comes to lab casework, it’s important to make sure the measurements are correct to ensure the right posture for your employees.

Adjustable Chairs

For those employees who sit most of their day, having a chair with lumbar and neck support is crucial. A chair with these features can reduce the risk of lower back injury and neck strain. An ergonomic chair will allow workers to adjust the lumbar support and maintain the natural curve of their spines. 

Adjustable Workstations

When it comes to posture, lab workstations are one of the places in the lab where awkward positions are necessary. For example, microscopes, fume hoods, and pipettes may all be used at a lab bench. Looking into a microscope means bending into an awkward position, which puts a strain on the back and neck. Fume hoods require you to reach up on your toes to work the controls, and you must crouch to see the table at eye level in order to titrate with pipettes. And it isn’t just handling chemicals – administrative tasks are frequently at workstations too. Technicians must also accomplish paperwork, inventory materials, and enter data into computers here as well. Quick tasks can be done standing up, but if you need to spend an hour or more on the job, it’s advisable that you sit down. When it comes to improving the ergonomics of your workstation, an adjustable laboratory workbench is essential. Adjustable lab furniture allow lab technicians to increase or decrease the height of their workstation depending on their needs. This allows for less awkward positioning and increased comfort and efficiency. Read More: How to Create a Comfortable Workplace with Quality Laboratory Tables and Furniture

Monitor Placement

Working with a computer is necessary for most laboratory settings. However, working on a computer for hours at a time can create back and neck strain. Our bodies must often contort to use the dedicated space for the computer, and our necks may have to stretch to see the monitor better. With LCD arms, workers can adjust their monitors according to their comfort preferences. LCD arms hold monitors either on the work surface or on a rail, which means computers can be moved out of the way when not in use. By adjusting the height and distance of the monitor, you can reduce eye, shoulder, arm, and neck fatigue. Monitors should be positioned about an arm’s length away, and the height should be adjusted according to your height. Your eyes should look slightly downward when looking at the middle of the screen. 

Keyboard and Mouse Placement

Both the keyboard and the mouse should be placed depending on the natural position of the employee. They should also be at the same height as the elbows and forearms to help prevent strain and wrist nerve compression. Workers may need to adjust the height of the chair or the desk to put them in a more relaxed and comfortable position. However, the less strain on their body, the more efficiently they can work. 

Encouraging Breaks

The human body was not designed to sit or stand in the same position for a long period of time. Taking short breaks can help reduce straight and improve overall productivity. When deeply absorbed in work, employees can lose track of time, so it’s up to you to implement initiatives to remind them to change posture periodically. You can post signs, set alarms, or assign someone to remind the team to give their body a break at regular intervals. Rest Your Eyes: When working on a computer, look away every 15 minutes for 60 seconds to give them a rest from the screen. You can also try closing your eyes and massaging your eyeballs with the heel of your hand to relax the eye muscles. Rest Your Hands: Take a break from typing to rest your hands every so often. Do some arm stretches and shake your wrists out to loosen tense muscles. Rest Your Body: Every hour, make sure to take a break from working at your station. Stand up, stretch, and walk around to get the blood flowing. This will also help wake you up if you’re feeling fatigued. 


Workstations should always be spacious. Not only do lab technicians have multiple pieces of equipment and paperwork out at one time, but they also need to be able to move around without getting strain. With an adequate amount of space, workers can more easily spread their work out in their workstations and maintain correct posture. Being able to arrange their work in a way that’s efficient for them will also help keep them alert and productive. Space should also extend into the room itself. If the lab is small, it may be worth it to buy custom lab furniture that allows for the ergonomic designs and dimensions. Free movement within a workspace is crucial to ensuring both comfort and productivity.

The post How to Improve the Ergonomics of Your Workstations appeared first on LabTech Supply.


Wednesday, 25 December 2019

Proper Ways to Store Laboratory Glassware

Laboratory glassware requires mindful care. Once it’s been cleaned and inspected, it should be stored to prevent it from becoming dirty, getting in the way, getting broken, or getting lost. Your lab tables should always come equipped with storage solutions that allow you to easily store glassware so that it can be found when needed.

In this article, we’ll discuss the proper ways to store laboratory glassware.

Store in an Enclosure

Lab cabinets are ideal storage solutions for glassware because they keep the glassware out of the way of regular daily activities while still being close enough to workstations. Glass items are consistently in use in laboratories; when you need them, it’s important to be able to grab them without wasting time walking and searching.

Opt for closed shelving to keep dust away from the glassware so that it’s clean for every use.

Label Cupboards 

There should be a sign stating the type and size of the glassware stored inside the cupboard. This will save time when searching for items that you need. It’s crucial that this guideline is followed because without it, you’ll wind up throwing cupboard door after cupboard door open looking for your equipment. This wastes valuable time.

Note down warnings for use and storage along with names. Some glassware may not be able to be stored with others because of what chemicals you use them for. While you’ll ideally have cleaned off any remnants of your work before storing, residue may still linger. Using contaminated glassware may cause disastrous results for your work down the line.

Logical Storing

All glassware should be stored in a way that makes sense. Glassware can be grouped with others of its type, size, or according to the purpose. For example, if you have certain types of glassware that deals primarily with one type of chemical, it’s best to keep them together. This will ensure that they are easily found when needed by workers.

Also, when it comes to a decision about where to store glassware, it’s important to make good choices. For instance, if your glassware keeps breaking because they are stored in high, hard-to-reach cupboards, consider storing them in low cabinets instead.

Further, when it comes to space in your cabinets, make sure there’s enough for a person to grab a single item of glassware without disturbing the other items stored inside. Having a cabinet overfilled will be just as problematic as leaving glassware out.

Arrange by Location

If your workers frequently use the same glassware, it only makes sense that that glassware is accessible from their workstations. Lab benches incorporated with storage solutions are perfect for when glassware needs to be nearby. On the other hand, items that are not used as frequently can be stored further away from workstations, which will help make day-to-day life in the space much easier.

Read More: How To Increase Storage and Efficiency With Your Lab Tables

Maintaining Room Temperature

When you’re storing unused glassware, the temperature may play a critical factor. Maintaining a steady room temperature means that no variance will occur, which could cause the glass to break. For example, when you boil water in a glass and then put it on a cold countertop, it could shatter because of the heat variance. Similarly, glassware stored in a cold room may break when that temperature goes up.

Avoiding Risk

Glassware should never be stored near the edge of benches, other lab furniture, or places where it can be knocked over. It makes no sense to keep unused glassware out in the open where it can be knocked over and broken. Avoid storing them in too-high shelves as well, as they will be difficult to reach, making storage more prone to accidents.

Store According to Type

Specific glassware may require certain guidelines to ensure their safety in storage.

Volumetric Flasks

Volumetric flasks need to be stored with their stoppers to ensure that stoppers are not lost. While you can purchase just the stoppers, it will save your lab money if you would simply be mindful of your glassware from the beginning.

Round-Bottom Flasks

Round-bottom flasks should be stored with cork rings to keep them upright. Avoid storing these in high shelves, as one mistake can cause your flask to roll out of the cabinet and break.

Burettes and Pipettes

Burettes and pipettes should be stored vertically in specially-designed racks, or horizontally in drawers. They should not be stored in cramped spaces as these items are very thin and are susceptible to breaking.


Glassware that you use rarely should be stored separately and labeled so that workers know where everything goes and nothing gets lost.

Before Storing

Another thing to keep in mind when it comes to the storage of glassware is making sure that it’s clean and free of contaminants and dust. Never forget to sanitize all of the equipment properly before storage. This will save time cleaning and drying equipment during your next use.

Read More: Easy Guide to Keep Your Laboratory Clean

More importantly, some chemicals left out can change and react to other substances, so it’s simply not safe to put dirty glassware away. Others may even stain or stick to the inside of your glassware when not cleaned immediately, rendering the items useless.

When it comes to storing your glassware, make sure that you use only the best to avoid breakage and the loss of valuable data. 

How do you store your lab glassware? Let us know in the comments!

The post Proper Ways to Store Laboratory Glassware appeared first on LabTech Supply.


Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Custom Lab Furniture Guide: Selecting the Right Materials and Supplier

The search for high-quality laboratory furniture is a necessity when designing your own lab. It all comes down to selecting the right materials and suppliers that can help you take your laboratory to the next level. Custom lab furniture can ensure that your lab is as efficient and safe as it can be. 

Selecting the Right Materials

The materials that your lab tables and casework are made out of will be what sets your lab apart from the rest. Make sure to consider whether or not your lab will need chemical resistant surfaces that deter chemicals from damaging the tables and prevent workers from coming into contact with these substances.

You should make sure to choose these materials based on the needs of your lab. 


Laminate is used for decorative cabinets, but it is not recommended for exposure to extreme humidity or heat. You’ll most often see laminate lab cabinets in schools because they’re aesthetically pleasing and because students will most likely not be using high heat materials on their own.

Laminate is one of the cheapest options, but it is only light-duty and has:

  • Low bacterial resistance
  • Low chemical resistance
  • Low moisture resistance
  • Low scratch resistance

Laminate is ideal for labs that have a low budget and perform only general functions.


Wood is a traditional choice for lab cabinets, but it’s susceptible to wear and tear. As you may know from having wood in your home, it shows every scratch and discoloration.

Wood is more expensive than laminate but is still on the cheaper side of lab furniture. However, it also has all of the low resistance as laminate and dents easily on impact.

This material is ideal for basic testing and dry research. Cabinets made from wood are much more attractive than laminate but don’t offer many more benefits than that.


Steel lab benches are one of the most popular choices for labs. It’s heavy-duty and typically has a powder coat finish that resists cracking and peeling. What’s most beneficial is that the coating is corrosion and chemical resistant.

Steel also has a moderate bacterial, chemical, scratch, and moisture resistance. It’s also available fairly cheap and very easy to clean. However, it can dent on impact.

These benches are typically ideal for chemical and industrial testing, along with other labs where tables need to withstand wear and tear.

Stainless Steel

Stainless steel is similar to steel, but it’s made out of chromium and nickel. It’s resistant to both rust and corrosion, and can’t be penetrated by liquids.

Stainless steel is considered moderate to heavy-duty and has a high fungal resistance and high moisture resistance. Like steel, it is extremely easy to clean. However, it has low scratch-resistance and often comes at a high price.

This material is ideal for food testing, autopsy, and pharmaceutical labs, along with others that do experiments were results depend on non-contamination. 

Read More: How to Create a Comfortable Workplace with Quality Laboratory Tables and Furniture

Choosing a Supplier

After you understand what type of materials you want to be used, you should look for a supplier that offers high-quality solutions. The quality of the lab equipment depends on the quality of the manufacturer.


Your budget will have a huge say in what supplier you choose to work with. However, it’s important that you base your decision on much more than price alone. Quality should not be compromised for cost because your lab furniture has a direct impact on the efficiency and safety of your lab.

Also, low cost and low-quality furniture will need changes and repairs more frequently than high-quality furniture made from high-quality materials. The decision to choose high-quality over low-cost will help you save in the long run on maintenance costs, so it’s up to you to decide your priorities.

Product Quality

As we have just mentioned, quality is key to keeping costs down. However, it’s also a way of keeping the lab efficient. High-quality casework means that every single day, lab technicians will be able to utilize them, so they’ll need to stand up to time. Frequent repairs take time out of workers’ days, so you can avoid the hassle by choosing high-quality materials at the start.

Products manufactured in America are known to be much more high quality because of the higher standards. When you purchase cheap imported furniture, you can expect lab tables that don’t last as long.

To ensure that you’re getting a high-quality product, you should ask about the standards of the manufacturer and how each piece is constructed.

Read More: Benefits of Custom-Designed Laboratory Casework Cabinetry

Customer Service

While some customers prefer to send their specifications to the supplier for a quote, others will want to use the manufacturer as a resource. It’s important to make sure that all of the details being considered in the lab design, including countertop material, are being run by the experts.

A quality supplier takes the time to get to know their customers and their needs and help them come up with the best solutions.

Lead Time

You should always consider how long you have to wait for the product. Most of the time, lab designers are on a strict deadline. Most casework is made to order, so it does take some time to reach production.

Shipment time will also impact the deadline. If your product is across the country, it may take longer than expected.

If you have a deadline, make sure to tell the supplier and see if they’re able to work with you on lead time.


One of the most significant considerations to keep in mind is customization. Your lab will have different needs from every other lab, and standard lab equipment might not cut it.

Your supplier should have the technology and ability to make custom products based on your pricepoint. Make sure to ask the supplier what they’re able to do for you before making a final decision. Often times, they may have ideas that you didn’t think of before that can help you elevate your lab design.

The post Custom Lab Furniture Guide: Selecting the Right Materials and Supplier appeared first on LabTech Supply.


Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Laboratory Furniture and Tech Supply Selection Guide for Cannabis Lab

As marijuana becomes legal in more and more states across the US, we see a boom in the growth of cannabis labs. Of course, labs are necessary for testing the quality of the products. In fact, many cannabis and CBD companies are posting their lab results online to ensure that they provide the ultimate transparency for their customers. It’s important that they’re able to prove CBD content and THC content in products.

With this need comes the need for effective cannabis labs to provide solutions to manufacturers of these products and help customers make a purchasing decision. When designing a lab for those purposes, one must consider the needs and value of each component, including lab furniture and other features.

What to Consider When Designing a Cannabis Lab

When designing your lab, you should consider a few things before purchasing equipment, furniture, or anything else.


Lab safety is an important aspect of design. You’ll need all of the safety features of a regular lab, like alarm systems, eyewash stations, and emergency showers. But you’ll also need to choose lab benches, tables, and furniture that can ensure the safety in the lab, like chemical resistance surface.


An efficient lab means getting the most out of the day. In order to increase efficiency, you’ll have to optimize workspaces. Consider the daily routine of a lab worker. You don’t want them running around from station to station all day long.

You should make sure that people shouldn’t have to walk too far to access everything that they need in the lab. Specific rooms for dedicated purposes should be close enough to one another so that workers can easily get from area to area.

Read More: Effective Ways to Design Your Laboratory for Productivity and Safety


Space is part of efficiency because the more space available, the easier it is for lab technicians to get where they need to go. They’ll also need space on their workspaces so that they can do important work without the risk of bumping into an expensive piece of instrumentation.

Space also has to do with organization. A more organized lab means that people will be able to focus on the tasks at hand and get more done. This is also true for workspaces. Crowded workspaces can be dangerous with different chemicals that can get knocked over.

Believe it or not, custom lab furniture can help any cannabis lab achieve all three of these important aspects. 

Cannabis Lab Furniture Selection Guide

When looking for the perfect lab furniture for your cannabis laboratory, it’s important to consider not only the shape of a lab table, but the features that you can get with it that maximize space, improve efficiency, and ensure safety.

Custom Sizes

Standard sized lab equipment doesn’t work for every lab. In some cases, you’ll have a dedicated space to fill, and a large table may clutter the room or make space limited. By choosing custom sizes, you can have the workspaces you need available without compromising on space.

The traditional one-size-fits-all lab tables are often an inconvenience for technicians because they need to be able to move around. Not to mention, ill-fitting lab furniture can lead to bumps, breaks, and spills.

While space may not be high on your priority list, you must consider the possible breakages that can occur if workers end up bumping into each other on the regular. Consider that this might mean you have to replace valuable instruments, which will impact your lab budget and productivity.

Read More: Important Advice in Designing Your Cannabis Lab

Custom Drawers and Cabinets

Cannabis labs require optimal storage. Lab technicians are going to have a lot on their workstations, from instrumentation to important data. Lab cabinets and drawers allow these workers to store the items they’re not using to keep them safe from harm until they need them again.

Lab tables equipped with storage help keep workspaces neat and organized, helping to improve efficiency. Not only that, but they also help prevent spillage. As you may know, clutter can cause chaos, which can lead to someone’s arm knocking over dangerous chemicals. Storage solutions help prevent this and ensure the continued safety of the lab and all of its workers.

LDC Arms

Another feature that can increase the organization of a workspace is LDC arms. Computers should not take up too much of a workspace, which is why LDC arms help workers utilize computers without having to keep their experiments in a different location.

These arms keep computer monitors away from tables so that lab techs can continue to work without hassle. When large items, like a computer monitor, are up and out of the way, your lab technicians won’t have to maneuver to type, avoiding any hazardous chemical spills.

Adjustable Legs

Working at different heights may be necessary for a cannabis lab. For example, if a plant is on a standard table, the top leaves may be taller than a lab tech can reach. You can avoid the need for step stools when you have laboratory tables that can change height when you need them to. At the same time, you can increase the level of safety when workers don’t have to stand on tables to do their work.

Being able to make these subtle changes means that lab technicians can be more efficient and increase the speed at which they work.

Mobility Options

Your lab tables should never be attached to the floor. At the very least, it’s beneficial to have options when designing your space. You shouldn’t have to commit to any one position for workspaces. Immobile benches make it difficult for workers to create their own workflows.

For example, a staff may want to extend their workspace with a second table. This can’t be done with a table that is directly attached to the floor. The option to have a mobile table means that lab technicians can choose how they work, which will ultimately positively impact their efficiency.

The post Laboratory Furniture and Tech Supply Selection Guide for Cannabis Lab appeared first on LabTech Supply.


Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Designing the Perfect Laboratory Tables

Designing the perfect lab tables can be difficult if you don’t know where to start. Custom laboratory furniture is designed specifically for your lab to improve workflow and maximize space so that your workers can focus on what they do best.

Buying lab furniture from any old outlet store can be problematic. It may result in workers not having enough space to move around, or work will be cluttered, causing accidental spills and instrumentation breakage. All of these things disrupt the work and cost money.

You can avoid all of these complications by investing in custom lab furniture solutions so that you have the right size, shape, and features necessary for maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of your lab.

Key Things to Consider When Designing Lab Tables


Cleanliness has a huge impact on the safety of your workers. Lab tables should be designed to promote cleanliness and organization. Consider a keyboard pullout feature and LDC arms to make computers less space-consuming so that scientists can keep their workspaces organized.

As scientists are working with potentially hazardous chemicals, it’s important to find ways to manage equipment, instrumentation, and other work so that it’s less likely for chemicals to be spilled.

Another feature that you may want to consider is chemical resistant surfaces. If your scientists are working with chemicals that can eat through wood tables, consider having a surface that doesn’t allow chemicals to do so when spilled. This will prevent any dangerous situations in the lab.

You may also want to consider stainless steel tables, depending on the lab environment. These are the common surfaces for lab tables:

  • Stainless Steel: Non-porous and antimicrobial, stainless steel is ideal for environments where moisture and corrosion may be issues. It is most commonly used in medical labs.
  • Phenolic: These panels are made with paper fibers that are stacked and soaked in phenolic acid and then heated. They are lightweight and durable and can combat most chemicals and moisture.
  • Epoxy Resin: This surface is made from resins and fillers and is extraordinary at repelling moisture. It’s also great for combating heat, impact, and most chemicals.


Read More: The Right Furniture Materials For Your Laboratory Tables


Most likely, you are designing a space that already exists and not having a new facility built. If this is the case, space will be one of your most difficult opponents. You need to consider what the facility is used for and understand the daily tasks of the scientists.

Consider putting tables next to equipment that will be used frequently so that workers already have a workspace available to them. If you know that there is a common workflow among workers, such as someone going from workspace to workspace for a certain purpose, you will need to adjust the design to make sure that people can move around easily.

You will also likely have to deal with a lack of space. This is when you will need to consider the size of your tables. Remember, people need to be able to move around in your lab and have enough space to get from one place to the next quickly. You can also design custom shapes and sizes for your tables to fit where you need and provide space for movement.


If you believe space might be an issue, you could also opt for mobility options that allow you to move tables easily. These tables are ideal for environments where space is an issue. Instead of placing stationary tables, you can use mobile tables that easily move around the room. These tables can be made stationary, so they’re always a great option for those who aren’t sure just where every single one should go.


Most quality labs have effective storage that allows workers to put instrumentation and items that they are not using away so that they can have an organized workspace. Lab cabinets are extremely important when it comes to optimizing the space that you have. Tables can be custom designed with storage solutions to provide workers with even more storage. Also, if a specific station is designated to a worker, these in-table storage solutions can be used for just his or her items so that they can always be found again.


Not only can you design custom lab tables based on size, shape, mobility, and safety, you can add features tailored for your lab and its purpose.

  • Adjustability: Will you need tables at different heights?

Depending on the function of your lab, you may need tables that function at different heights. With adjustable legs, you can create custom lab benches that are able to fit your current or future needs.

  • Vibration Dampening: Do you need to protect instrumentation?

Certain instrumentation, like microscopes, are prone to breakage. This is especially true if they are near other instrumentation that vibrates. The smallest vibration can cause sensitive items in a lab to break. Vibration dampening solves this problem to save time and money by avoiding unnecessary breakages.

  • Sound Isolation: Will your lab have loud equipment?

It’s no secret that some equipment and instrumentation is loud. Loud noises are distracting to workers and can disrupt their work, and at the very least, irritate them. However, this noise can be muffled with sound isolation.


Read More: What to Consider When Buying Science Lab Tables

Collaboration with Users

When designing your lab tables, it’s important to communicate with those that will be using them. Scientists who have worked in other labs know what works and what doesn’t. Others in certain fields may require features that you wouldn’t consider, but they find them absolutely critical. Consider giving workers a survey so that they can tell you what’s most important to them in a lab table.

Create Custom Lab Tables Today

We can build custom lab furniture based on your requirements. We’ll work with you to ensure that your lab promotes productivity and efficiency.

Non-standard sized tables are not right for every lab. That’s why we’re here to help! No matter how unique your needs, we can help you determine the best solutions.

We design, build, and install custom lab tables. Discover how you can promote better workflows with your lab design by calling us today.

The post Designing the Perfect Laboratory Tables appeared first on LabTech Supply.


Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Highly Recommended Furniture and Workspace Design for Your Cannabis Lab

The booming US cannabis industry has created many opportunities for scientists and researchers to develop high-quality testing facilities to meet the demand. Cannabis testing lab revenues are expected to continue to climb through 2020. However, these labs have unique design requirements and regulations. Equipment, including everything from extraction equipment to lab tables, must be considered.

Many people are opting to convert an existing lab into a cannabis testing lab, while others are building from the ground up. No matter what you do, it’s important to work with a team of experts that know and have been successful with the process. An architecture firm specializing in cannabis labs knows the infrastructure requirements, while a lab designer may be able to create a space designed to promote workflows.

You may find yourself needing to collaborate with custom lab furniture manufacturers, so they can help you conquer design challenges. When it comes to setting up your lab, you need to consider functionality above all else. Check out these custom design solutions to help you maximize the space and efficiency of your lab. 

Custom Cannabis Lab Furniture and Workspace Design

Custom Drawers and Lab Cabinets

Every lab on the planet needs storage solutions. Workers are going to have a lot of items on their workspace, from equipment to computers, paperwork, and personal items. Custom drawers and cabinets make storing lab items easy and simple. Scientists may not need small equipment, like microscopes, out all of the time, but they shouldn’t have to run across the facility to go get them when they do.

The laboratory tables should be equipped with storage for everyday items that are necessary for completing the job. Other items that are not used daily can be stored in another location to save space.

Customer drawers and cabinets maximize workspaces by allowing workers to easily tidy up without the need to walk away from their areas. With fewer items out, it’s much easier to complete tasks and keep important work safe from bumps and spills.

Chemical Resistant Surfaces

Often, chemicals in labs are dangerous and can destroy valuable lab equipment and furniture, not to mention harm an individual. Chemical resistant surfaces mean that your lab tables deter chemicals from damaging the tables, and may also prevent workers from coming into contact with harmful substances.

Vibration Dampening 

Lab instrumentation is known to vibrate. Other instrumentation and equipment, like microscopes, are sensitive to these vibrations and can break. Since researchers know this, they can prevent such occurrences by working on lab benches equipped with vibration dampening.

Anti-vibration casters and leveling feet are an important addition to any workspace, especially since replacing damaged equipment tend to get expensive. Save your lab some time and money by investing in proactive solutions that err on the side of safety.

Sound Isolation 

As you may know, working in a lab can be extremely loud. Some instruments create uncomfortable whirrs and other such sounds. A loud environment is distracting for workers and may even result in an unhealthy atmosphere. After all, you want your workers to want to come to work, not to dread headaches by being there!

Sound isolation is a custom feature of lab furniture that promotes a better and healthier work environment. Sound isolation is achieved with a metal box and vents with a lined foam interior. Instrumentation, like rough pumps, can be put in the box while the foam reduces the decibels and makes working around the instrument much easier.

Read More:
Effective Ways to Design Your Laboratory for Productivity and Safety

LDC Arms
As you know, a clean and organized workspace is ideal for enhancing the effectiveness of a lab and its workers. When you picture a lab, one item that always seems to take up a lot of space is a computer monitor.

Of course, you can’t just stop using computers for important work. However, you can maximize the workspace by reducing the amount of space a monitor takes up. LDC arms hold monitors above and away from the table so that workers have more desk real estate. LDC arms may also make working on a computer more comfortable for some since they will have more room on the table for other pieces of work.

Adjustable Legs 
Working at different heights is something that’s always been difficult for scientists. In the past, they would simply have to walk over to a different table, bringing all of their important work with them to work at the ideal height. Adjustable legs on lab benches allow them to easily adjust the height of the bench so that they don’t have to waste valuable time and energy finding a table with a different height.


Many labs have tables that are attached to the floor. Immobile benches make it hard to rework the existing design of the lab. When someone designs a lab, they may get it right from the start. However, as a business grows and there’s a need to fit more pieces of equipment in one area, they need to be able to move any mobile furniture to make everything fit and maximize the space.

Lab tables need functionality and mobility. However, they also need to be stationary when someone is working with them to prevent spills and the destruction of equipment and work. A locking castor and a leveling castor allow workers to make the unit mobile or stationary depending on their specific needs.

Read More:
3 Pointers About Designing Your Own Laboratory

Cable Management

If you’ve worked in a lab before, you know that the cables from equipment and computers can easily get in the way. While it might seem like a small problem to an outsider, constantly having to move the cables away from experiments means that a lot of time is being wasted on frustration. Hose cutouts allow labs to manage their cables more easily. Feeding through a section of the table, cables will stay out of the way.

Keyboard Pullout Trays

Like a computer monitor, keyboards take up a significant amount of space on lab benches. It’s difficult to type when you don’t have a dedicated space for your keyboard.

With keyboard pullout trays, you can place your keyboard in a hidden space and only pull them out when needed. It’s never in the way, yet available when you want it. Also, it’s safe from liquids that can easily be spilled, sparing you from having to mop up spills or even replace keyboards.

Designing your cannabis lab with custom lab furniture solutions is easy. Call us today. 

The post Highly Recommended Furniture and Workspace Design for Your Cannabis Lab appeared first on LabTech Supply.


Monday, 30 September 2019

Custom Design Options for Lab Tables 


When it comes to designing your lab, it’s essential to consider whether it’s more important to design a lab based on the size of the equipment or purchase the lab equipment, such as lab tables, based on the size of the facility that you already have.

If you’re like many, you don’t want to build a whole new lab facility because of the size of a few tables. Instead, it’s easier and much more cost-effective to find equipment and furniture based on the space that you do have.

The right lab tables and furniture can maximize space in your lab to provide better workflows, more comfort, and increase productivity. Luckily, there are custom design solutions for lab tables that can help you achieve efficiency as well.

When purchasing lab tables and other lab equipment, you may want to consider these aspects:

Custom Drawers or Cabinets

Storage solutions are ideal for labs that don’t have tons of space to store items that are used every day. A quality laboratory supplies company will be able to create custom drawers or cabinets that make storing lab items easy. You may not always need certain pieces of equipment, but you will need them close by when you do for increased workspace efficiency. Make sure that the science tables you use are equipped with storage solutions for you to store everyday items and those that you will soon need.

These custom storage solutions will also improve workflow. With fewer items out and on the tables, there’s less of a risk of people bumping into experiments or ruining valuable work.

Vibration Dampening

Some lab instrumentation vibrates, which can have detrimental effects on other equipment. Microscopes and other sensitive instruments can break from vibration, so it’s important to consider anti-vibration casters and leveling feet as an addition to your lab benches. This technology helps to protect valuable lab equipment from breakage.

Sound Isolation

Sometimes, lab instrumentation can be loud. When you introduce workers to a loud environment, they may find it distracting and hard to work. By using sound isolation custom features on your lab tables, you can promote a better work environment. Sound isolation is achieved using a metal box and vents that line the interior with foam. Certain instrumentation, such as rough pumps can be put in the box while the foam helps to reduce the decibels.

LDC Arms

One of the items in a lab that takes up a lot of space on a table is a monitor. LDC arms are great for lab tables which will need to hold electronics like computers. These arms hold monitors either on the work surface or the rail so that workers can maximize their space.

Adjustable Legs

Sometimes, workers will need to work at different heights, whether it’s because of their own height or because of the materials that they are working with. Adjustable legs on your lab benches mean that you can easily adjust the height of the bench.

Mobility Options

Lab tables need to be able to function within the lab as a whole. Mobility means allowing your laboratory casework and tables to move when you need them to and stay stationary when you don’t. With a locking caster along with a leveling caster, workers can have the option to make the unit mobile or level it to make it stationary.

Cable Management/Hose Cutouts

Labs that work with electronics and tools that need to be plugged in need to have solutions that allow them to work without the cables getting in the way. With hose cutouts, the cables will feed through a section of the table and stay out of the way of important tests and paperwork.

Keyboard Pullout Trays

When working with a computer, it can be difficult for workers to have their paperwork, experiments, and other lab equipment nearby. Computers take up a large space on workbenches and tables, so it’s important to try to maximize the space. With a keyboard pullout tray, keyboards are tucked away and only used when you need them, helping to save space and make less clutter.

Chemical Resistant Surfaces

In a lab, workers may be working with chemicals that can be dangerous to them and harmful to lab equipment and furniture. All lab tables should have chemical resistant surfaces to deter these chemicals from damaging the tables and preventing possible harm to lab workers.

Why Custom Lab Tables?

Custom design lab tables are created specifically for your lab. When you buy lab furniture that can be used anywhere, and for any lab, you may run into the problems of not having enough space in your lab to walk around, not having tables that function as you need them to, and not having the convenience and storage solutions that your lab needs to maintain efficiency. Lab tables designed for your lab means choosing the right shape, size, and features you will use every single day.

Create Custom Design Lab Tables

We’re able to build custom design tables based on your requirements. No matter the function or purpose of your lab, we can work with you to create lab tables that improve workflows, maximize space, and keep your lab efficient and productive. If you’re looking for non-standard sized stables, we’re here to help you. No matter how unique you might need your lab tables, we’ll help you determine what solutions are best for your lab.

LabTech understands what labs need in terms of custom lab table design and installation. From storage solutions to convenience, no space needs to be wasted in the fast-paced lab environment. No matter the function of your lab, you need it to work best for you and no one else.

Not only do we design and build custom lab furniture, we install it so that you can rest assured knowing that your lab is in the right hands. 

Want to discover how you can improve the function of your lab with the right furniture? Call us today.

The post Custom Design Options for Lab Tables  appeared first on LabTech Supply.


Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Optimize Your Cannabis Lab for Productivity and Collaboration

When you are designing or upgrading your cannabis laboratory, you’ll want to keep productivity and collaboration in mind. When your lab is productive, your company will produce better results and obtain more clients. Before you rush to the nearest laboratory supply company, consider some of the top tips to bolster productivity.

Pay Attention to Color

Have you ever noticed how shopping centers, retail stores, and restaurants utilize different colors in their designs? Colors have been proven to impact mood and emotions. Select lab colors that will give the desired effect.

Sharp and vivid colors: You’ll most likely see these in fast-food restaurants or other areas with high turnover. Reds are meant to enhance energy while yellows help people feel alert.

Bright colors: Reds, blues, and greens are used to help create focus.

Cool colors: Blues and greens are often used to promote creative thinking.

While you may not have a vast variety of color options when it comes to laboratory tables and lab cabinets, you can personalize each item in your lab to promote a good mood and make lab techs more efficient. 

Pay Attention to Posture

When employees use less exertion, and few motions to complete tasks helps increase productivity. Mostly, reducing the number of movements in regular routines keeps employees from becoming fatigued. When purchasing lab tables, chairs, and laboratory workbenches, look for the kind that adjusts. Look for floor mats that help relieve pain from standing for long periods. 

When considering where employees will sit or stand, it’s worth designing a lab with a mixture of both open and closed spaces. Having some proximity between researchers can contribute to collaboration. If possible, keep researchers on the same floor so that they are more likely to bump into each other outside of the lab. Chance encounters, even between disciplines, is a great way to promote positive work relationships and collaboration.

Pay Attention to Lighting

Proper lighting helps regulate your circadian rhythms. This regulation promotes more significant health and productivity. It has been shown that employees with access to natural light are less likely to call off and have higher rates of job satisfaction.

When possible, work to create natural views in the lab. Go for large windows that provide long views of the outside world. One of the significant health benefits of having outdoor views has to do with your eyes.

Because there are different distances available on which to focus, your eyes get exercise through dilating. This exercise reduces eye strain and allows employees to remain focused for more extended periods of time.

Pay Attention to Distractions

A great deal of work requires concentration. Excessive noise and other interruptions can take several minutes to overcome. Having multiple interruptions throughout the workday and cost hours of work.

Some labs have introduced white or pink noise into the working area, while others have designated quiet zones. If your lab space doesn’t have room for multiple zones, consider providing noise-canceling headphones to your employees.

While cannabis testing laboratory upgrades aren’t free, they can save money in the long run by creating a more productive and collaborative environment. If your budget doesn’t allow for any significant changes right away, consider implementing smaller steps to start the process.

A little bit of paint and reorganizing the room can make a huge difference. If you’re not sure how to convert your lab space into a more productive environment, consider working with a laboratory design specialist who can work with your specific needs.

The post Optimize Your Cannabis Lab for Productivity and Collaboration appeared first on LabTech Supply.


Monday, 12 August 2019

Easy Guide to Keep Your Laboratory Clean

Most people believe that cleaning is a simple matter of routine. That’s mostly true in casual environments like kitchens, garages, and offices, but when it comes to technical or scientific facilities like laboratories, cleaning and maintenance are far more important.

Contamination, for example, can ruin days or weeks of work, and accidents can ruin both equipment and experiments. Accidents can also put laboratory personnel in danger, especially considering the hazards that fill most laboratory storage.


You can’t clean what you can’t see. Knowing where to look and how to detect potential sources of contamination is crucial in a lab setting. For example, given a choice between searching for contaminants in the sink or on lab furniture or a countertop, where would an experienced technician start? If they’ve spent any real-time in a lab, they’re going to start with the sink, because that is where equipment, containers, chemicals, and tools gather. That’s where dirt will also accumulate.


Any damage to lab cabinets or fixtures must be repaired at once. If dangerous chemicals leak into the interior structure of a sink, fixture, or piece of furniture, it can have numerous ramifications beyond the potential damage to an expensive piece of equipment. Certain chemicals can cause fire hazards. Others can dissolve protective surfaces and even corrode metal fixtures, creating electrical shorts or chemical leaks.

Believe it or not, many structural and mechanical problems begin as cleaning and inspection issues. Damage to a fixture or countertop is guaranteed to become a cleaning issue in short order. Always remember you can’t clean what you can’t see.


One of the most successful organizations in the history of the human race is the British Royal Navy. They set the standards many navies are still trying to match. At the core of the Royal Navy’s secrets of success was a near-obsessive focus on putting cleanliness to a schedule. In the 16th and 17th centuries, it cut down on disease and food spoilage. It also improved morale among both officers and crew.

The same principles apply to any organization. Cleanliness has an organic effect on efficiency. Putting cleaning on a regular schedule guarantees the maximum benefit from preserving facilities, avoiding safety issues, and improving morale among everyone who uses the lab. The more frequent these activities become, the more noticeable they will become. After cleaning becomes a habit, it will have endless benefits.


No principle survives a lack of education. A cleaning policy can improve the lab facility if it is communicated to everyone involved and becomes part of the standard training regimen. The good news is all of the facts regarding education are easily communicated and justified, so it should be relatively easy to get everyone on board from the beginning.

The post Easy Guide to Keep Your Laboratory Clean appeared first on LabTech Supply.


Monday, 5 August 2019

How To Increase Storage and Efficiency With Your Lab Tables

The keys to efficiency are versatility and mobility. The design for any workspace should consider those two principles. When it comes to lab design, efficiency can be expanded to include storage solutions to create an optimized workspace.

Multiple Use Storage

Both floorplans and the lab tables they contain can take advantage of the multiple-use principle. For example, if a workbench can be used for two different workflows, then it bypasses the need to increase floor capacity and install two separate pieces of furniture.

When it is necessary to make maximum use of minimal resources, sometimes mastering a particular task isn’t as crucial as making provisions for both. This is true when pursuing any objective that requires versatility.

Bringing the Work to You

If lab personnel make continual use of storage space, making the storage solutions mobile may improve efficiency. If a piece of furniture has unique features that are in constant use, bringing it closer to personnel increases efficiency.

Setting up a space so lab workers don’t have to cross the room several times to retrieve and replace equipment does the same. Workers can be made mobile by optimizing open floor space and arranging workbenches strategically when permanent benches and fixtures cannot be portable.

Open Spaces

Good laboratory work requires a great deal of writing and documenting. Paper notebooks, mobile devices, and books often find their way to lab tables. And then those items end up damaged or destroyed by chemical spills because there isn’t enough space to fit everything on the workbench surface.

Efficiency requires space, and space can only be acquired if it is part of a design principle. Documents, equipment, and experiments can be damaged if there is too much crowding or clutter on the workbench surface.


Imagine an entirely new lab worker walks into a facility. Which is the better option?

1. Requiring them to look for everything a first time and then relying on their memory to find it again
2. Labeling everything in the lab, so there is no question where items are stored.

If storage efficiency can be improved by mobility and versatility, it can be improved again by making it crystal clear where everything is by a glance.

The human brain is very good at two things:
1. Pattern recognition
2. Terrain mapping

Human beings see patterns in everything, and they can remember where important things are with seemingly infinite capacity. Setting up your workspace to take advantage of these two talents makes everything more efficient by design. It creates that mythical combination of efficiencies called “synergy.”

The post How To Increase Storage and Efficiency With Your Lab Tables appeared first on LabTech Supply.


Monday, 29 July 2019

Consideration When Designing Your Laboratory Workbenches

Workspace design is incredibly important. This is doubly true when the work being done is highly technical, potentially hazardous, or requires specialized equipment. The space made available to a worker or a technician on lab benches must be clean, easily navigated and close enough to storage and fixtures, so it is not necessary to strain to reach tools and supplies.

It may not seem like a big deal that an often-used piece of equipment is just a bit too high to reach easily. However, it becomes an issue when that equipment has to be retrieved and replaced several times a day. Not only does this increase the potential for damage to the equipment, but it also puts the safety of the workers in jeopardy and makes the workbench itself less efficient.

This is why laboratory workspace and workbench design is so important. Each workspace should fit into an overall lab design, and should adequately accommodate its function.

Work Performance

The tasks being conducted at a workbench will necessitate several decisions, not the least of which is the material that makes up the surface and fixtures. A metal table, for example, is likely not the best option if the workbench is meant to be installed in an electronics lab. At the same time, a wooden surface is probably not the best choice for a chemistry lab.

Knowing what the lab benches are designed to do and understanding the various tasks likeliest to be performed at them will also inform their size and orientation. Standing desks, for example, are not only becoming more popular but are also more suitable for certain kinds of laboratory work. On the other hand, if the workbench is designed for seated users, the arrangement of storage spaces will almost always have to be adjusted.


Do the tasks being performed at a certain kind of workbench requires a series of related steps? If so, the basic assembly line workflow might be appropriate, and any workbench being used for that workflow should be constructed to make the best use of the process. A bench that has a large square surface is probably not as well suited for a process-type workflow as a bench with a more rectangular surface that is easily reached from both of the longer sides.

These kinds of questions are sometimes left unanswered until it is far too late. At the very least, choosing the wrong arrangement of workbenches, making them the wrong shape or the wrong height will have a continuous effect on the work going on in that lab.


The fastest way to reduce work quality and speed is to create clutter. Insufficient storage means there will be things in the lab without a place, and that neatly works against the entire concept of making the right decision on workbenches in the first place. Laboratories are valuable facilities, and the tools inside them are even more valuable. It should be a lab designer’s top priority to make sure workbenches have adequate and easily reached storage.

The post Consideration When Designing Your Laboratory Workbenches appeared first on LabTech Supply.


Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Effective Ways to Design Your Laboratory for Productivity and Safety

The image far too many people have when discussing laboratories is popular culture’s “lair of the mad scientist.” In the real world, laboratory facilities are home to all manner of productive enterprise, and the tools they employ are not limited to 1960s era chemistry set accessories. There are ways to design a laboratory to maximize safety and productivity simultaneously. Here are some things to consider.
The Users

Almost all facilities managers will agree that capacity and attendance are the first two considerations when ordering equipment from a laboratory supplies company and designing a laboratory space. How many people can fit in the room matters to the fire marshal, but how many people can effectively use the facility matters to the lab designer. If the room is too crowded, safety becomes an issue because crowds lead to collisions. When safety is an issue, the users can’t make good use of the lab in the first place.

Labs should be designed with an effective or practical capacity in mind. That will reduce the probability of accidents due to crowding.

Fire Hazards

Crowded rooms are fire hazards. This is true even if the room is only crowded with lab furniture. Sprinkler systems and fire retardant delivery mechanisms can’t work to their full potential if there are pieces of furniture and fixtures blocking access to the fire.

In most circumstances, labs should be designed with two major principles in mind:

Open Space

There should be plenty of open space, so if there is a fire, the early detection and response systems can be utilized to their full effect. Open space should also be oriented to take advantage of the environmental systems.


Airflow is vital in a room that might contain dangerous chemicals. Also, utility bills will be much lower if the air conditioning and heating systems don’t have to work so hard to affect the inside air.

Storage Solutions

The primary uses of the lab will dictate decisions like how much and what kind of storage should be provided. Chemicals, for example, require different storage mechanisms than microscopes.

A good lab design will make accommodations for both storage capacity and easy access. This prevents situations where difficult navigation creates hazards like chemical spills or electrical system interruptions. As the lab becomes more efficient, it also becomes safer, since an efficient lab is one that is less likely to cause accidents.

Making safety a priority very often leads to decisions that create efficiencies and opportunities. If a lab design is optimized for safety, then it becomes much easier for the users to find ways to make better use of it. Good equipment, adequate storage, and a properly ventilated and climate-controlled interior will also make work easier and more productive.

The post Effective Ways to Design Your Laboratory for Productivity and Safety appeared first on LabTech Supply.


Tuesday, 23 April 2019

What to Consider When Buying Science Lab Tables

Whether you manage a school or corporate science lab, you’ve got enough to worry about day-to-day. The quality of your lab tables may not be at the top of your list of primary concerns. But when you consider the fact that a substantial amount of work and innovation will rely on the reliability of those lab tables, you’ll understand the importance of this investment.

Even if you believe your current lab tables are serving you just fine, an upgrade could give you new capabilities and help you update your laboratory to contemporary standards.

If you’re in the market for new lab tables, here are a few things you should consider before buying.,

Lab Table Materials

Wood – Lab tables made of solid wood are sturdy and attractive. They are ideal for classrooms, as they can withstand the basic wear and tear of years of student use while also offering an attractive aesthetic.

Stainless Steel – As robust as solid wood lab tables are, stainless steel provides maximum strength and rigidity. It’s also more durable in the face of cracking, peeling, abrasion, and corrosion, protecting you from the costs of lab table replacement. Stainless steel lab tables are ideal in industrial and professional settings.

Laminate – Laminate lab tables are a cost-effective choice for lower-level science education classes, especially those involving young learners.

Lab Table Types

Even the most basic lab table can serve several purposes. But it if you need a lab table for a specific project or environment, you should consider the various types of lab tables available to you before deciding.

For example, here are a few of the types of lab tables you should consider, depending on the circumstances:

  • Lab tables with storage
  • Lab tables without storage
  • Laboratory islands
  • Balance tables
  • Laboratory workbenches
  • Custom lab benches

Every laboratory is different, and everyone has their own equipment needs. You may need a lab workstation that’s equipped with a sink or even a mobile lab table which can be used in various places throughout your facility.

For the best fit for your lab, consider creating a custom lab table to meet your specifications.

Extra Lab Table Features

In addition to a work surface, today’s advanced lab tables provide additional solutions to assist with specific tasks. Some options can be built into the lab table itself, while others can be added. Some extra features you should consider are:

  • Custom drawers
  • Adjustable legs
  • Keyboard trays
  • Enclosures
  • Cooling fans
  • Sound isolation and vibration dampening
  • Cable and hose cutouts

With these features and more, you should be able to integrate your new tables into your laboratory seamlessly. But to make it even easier, work with a laboratory solutions company that does the work for you.

What You Can Expect: Lab Tables from LabTech

Our custom lab tables and made in the U.S.A. and delivered to laboratories all over the country. We have lasting manufacturing relationships and an expert installation team, so you can get your lab equipment faster.

LabTech’s friendly and experienced customer service staff can work with you to design, build, and install long-lasting lab tables that deliver results. Call us at 800-476-5228 to get started.

The post What to Consider When Buying Science Lab Tables appeared first on LabTech Supply.
